I'm clutching a handful of Harlequin Glory Bower fruit/berries--when do I plant?

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by MarissaRavenscourt, Nov 22, 2004.

  1. MarissaRavenscourt

    MarissaRavenscourt Member

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    Portland, OR
    (crossposted, I'm not sure where this goes!)

    Hello! Complete black thumb here. Walking along yesterday, I saw an AMAZING tree. A nice forum member told me it was a Harlequin Glory Bower. I scooped up a handful of the little blue berry/fruits, I'm assuming there are seeds inside. Now, dumb question #256: do I just shove these in some soil and wait for them to sprout? Or do I wait till spring (will they still be viable then) to plant? Do I grow (initially) indoors until weather warms? Do I just shove the berry/fruit in the ground, or do I squish it to find a seed? Thanks for ANY advice!

  2. Douglas Justice

    Douglas Justice Well-Known Member UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    Clerodendrum bungei seeds propagation

    Clerodendrum bungei (Glory Bower) seeds should be planted in Spring at 13-18 degrees Celcius, according to Reader's Digest A-Z. The A.H.S. says that the seeds should be stratified in the cold for three months before sowing, which means you should store them in the refrigerator until Spring; or, you could sow them in fall and keep the pot outside in a sheltered area where birds or rodents will not be tempted to eat the seeds.

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