Could be an early sign of a nutritional deficiency. Is the tree fed regularly with a fertilizer containing micronutrients? One with an NPK ratio of 5-1-3 is recommended for containerized citrus.
Thanks for the prompt response. I've used the 30-10-10 Orchid bloom (1/4 tsp per gallon). Are you implying there's a potassium deficiency or phosphorus overdose?
No. Just making sure the tree is receiving the necessary nutrients. To be honest the tree looks quite healthy. Perhaps the new leaf in the center of the picture will acquire the deeper green as it matures. The other yellowing leaf near the bottom of the tree appears to be old and about to be shed. Here is a useful document on citrus nutritional deficiencies.
Junglekeeper, thanks for the link. I've attached pictures of my other larger/healthier? Improved Meyer. The other plant is a spearmint