Does anybody have experience with this shrub? Illicium floridanum - Wikipedia I discovered it at a nursery last year... It seems like the perfect plant (and alternative to boring ol' choisya and rhodies) in a deer-resistant, shady landscape on Bowen Island. As far as I know, I haven't seen it used in my area - perhaps this is my first clue as to it's favourability?! (I have my beloved specimen in a pot in the shade on my deck - has been growing madly.) I am hoping I'm onto something new for the west coast, unfenced, understory. Any experience, anyone?
VanDusen Botanical Garden has Illicium henryi. UBCBG has this species as well, from 1988, but I don't have a photo of that. UBC Botanical Garden has Illicium anisatum, also another of the same species that is much larger, both from 1972. UBCBG also has Illicium simonsii, just accessioned a few years ago.
@Jen Mc, I added the accession years to the above posting, and added another species that is growing at UBCBG.
Both are soooo pretty... I wonder about the ages of these shrubs? Thank you!! Why do you think we don't see more of these beauties in the general landscape here on the coast? Am I missing something?