Hey all. I already posted today and my thread was deleted by a mod/ admin. I'm looking to identify this fungal growth in a shower. Any help would be great. Thanks, Anthony
Hi Ataq, If you posted in one of the plant forums instead of the fungi forum, that may have been the problem. It looks like your specimen is pretty waterlogged and/or old, so may be hard to identify: Can you get a more close up photo of this? cheers, frog
Hi Frog, Thanks for the reply. Ya I know, the picture isn't great. I poured Domestos bleach over it, to neutralise any risk and left it to sit before cleaning, and I only thought about taking a picture then to post. I am concerned about it though, showing up all over the flat (Damp and cold flat? The red colouration is whats bothering me, is red generally natures way of saying danger?
Lobster mushrooms, which are a bright red color, are delicious. I'm not aware of any significance in the color of mushrooms.
Hi ataq, The colour might help with ID, but won't in itself tell you if the mushroom is eg. edible or poisonous. It might no longer have any features on its underside, but if you can tell if it was a gilled mushroom or if it has a smooth underside, that would narrow things down a bit. Mushrooms are the fruit of the fungus (as the apple to the tree more or less) and the fungus is apparently growing inside your wall: If the conditions remain the same, it may fruit another mushroom or more. If/when you get a fresh specimen growing, please do take another photo, and take a look at the underside of the "cap." cheers, frog
The most likely culprit is peziza domiciliana or related species. Google "Peziza domiciliana shower" and see if you your 'pre bleached' specimen was similar to what pops up on the google search.