I'm looking to find out the names of 2 of my house plants. So i can learn more about them. 1 of the two is not doing to well so i also need help on finding out what is wrong with it. Its one leaf has got brown dead spots in the middle of the leaf that crumble. The rest of the leaf is yellow with bits of green.
The first is zz plant Zamioculcas http://images.google.com/images?svn...:en-nz:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7GGLR&q=zamioculcas the second is commonly sold as african face mask or amazon face mask and aroid lily of some sort alocasia sanderiana maybe http://images.google.com/images?q=a...F-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7GGLR&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi
I tried the alocasia as a house plant and it didn't make it. Some kinds of indoor plants require the warmth, brightness and humidity of a warm greenhouse to do well. Selections offered at outlets aren't necessarily chosen for average indoor conditions, may have been produced in a quite different environment - maybe even flown or trucked in from a region where they were grown outdoors. Since the potting mix of the one on the right is quite dark I'd suspect its roots are being kept too cool and damp.
2 & 3 more likely Alocasia X amazonica, a popular hybrid that is sold worldwide. They do die down in winter and come up again in summer. Early on I made the mistake of throwing them out when they died down (roll eyes now) and have recently learned that, that is natural for them. They are all aroids and if you are interested there is an aroid forum on here also. Enjoy Ed