I bought this plant thinking it was a baby monstera, but it hasn't produced any split leaves so I'm not sure anymore, any experts that can help me identify it?
It does look like Monstera deliciosa. Was it represented to you as such? There are other aroids that look somewhat alike at this very young age. M. deliciosa will gradually grow larger leaves as it gets older and taller as long as it has enough light, water, and support. The leaves would revert back to this simple heart shape if the conditions are not great. I'd expect divided leaves to show in a couple of months, but it will take another year or two of good growth to develop the multiple holes and largest leaves. And you probably won't get fruit, though I guess you knew that.
When I bought it they called it a 6" foliage, that's why I was beginning to question my own identification. But I guess we'll give it a couple more months to see what it does. Thanks a lot!