Identification: Identification Help on Green/Purple Plant

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by musicfan76, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. musicfan76

    musicfan76 Member

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    Franklin, MA United States
    My girlfriend has had this plant for a while and it started to die on her. I took it to my office since it gets more sun than her apartment, but we don't know what plant it is so we don't even know if that is the right thing to do.

    The leaves are green with a lighter whitish-green stripe and purple underneath, and right now all the leaves are curled up, hence why my fingers are in two of the photos.

    Can anyone help?

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  2. chirita

    chirita Active Member

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    british columbia canada
    Your plant is a Calathea. This is not an easy plant to grow as it requires quite high humidity. It also does not like sun-give it low to medium light. Also, keep it uniformly moist,but not soggy. The curled leaf could be due to lack of humidity or to drying out too many times. It will grow into a beautiful plant if you can give it the right conditions.

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