Identification: Identification Assistance

Discussion in 'Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds' started by jpofsiny, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. jpofsiny

    jpofsiny Member

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    Staten Island, NY
    Hi all,
    I am writing as a newcomer to both mushroom ID'ing and as a first-time poster to the UBC forums. I was taking a stroll yesterday and had found some low bush blueberries which were surrounded by some fungi which caught my eye. I was hoping to have some assistance in identifying the fungi, if possible. Here is one picture in natural habitat and two others once it was brought home. Thank you for any information and effort. It is sincerely appreciated.

    Attached Files:

  2. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    The group of fungi called "Boletes" have this spongy spore producing surface under the cap. I don't know what your specimen is, but hopefully someone else will be able to help.

    Other useful characters to note would be whether the flesh bruises a different colour and what the taste is.
    You have good details in your photos. The red on the cap, the dark colour of the spongy surface, and the purple on the stem will hopefully help in the identification.

    FYI - Boletes are all, as far as I know, mycorrhizal, which means they have a symbiotic relationship with a plant/tree nearby.

  3. jpofsiny

    jpofsiny Member

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    Staten Island, NY
    hiya frog,
    thanks for the help... i appreciate it. i tested the fungi for bruising (on the cap) and it did not bruise. now, i am not sure if this is accurate or a viable 'test condition' because the mushroom was picked a couple days ago.

    i have no intention of doing a taste-test without knowing what it is first, however.

    thanks again for your time and effort. i too am looking forward to finding out more about the spec.


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