I'm looking for a plant for the back of a border, maybe 3 to 5 feet tall. When it rains, it gets very wet here, since the rain falls off a nearby roof. zone 7/8 Long blooming and easy care would be a bonus. Any suggestions?
Possibly tall and damp-loving Inula magnifica, although its large basal leaves should really be at the front of a planting and it flowers late summer only. But if the splashing is too bad nothing may put up with it.
Flower--I have grown cannas here in a colder microclimate in Surrey along the wall of my barn, right next to the runoff of it's eaves. I have been surprised that they require no maintenance other than occasional watering in summer, and have sprouted both of the last 2 springs after cold January's. They could actually be a bit too tall for your purpose, well over one's head by summer's end. The 2 successful types have been the plain green leaved, small red flowered (probably the straight species) and the most common purple leaved form with similar small flowers. A Tropicana variety did die over the winter, I expect these "fancier" leaved more highly bred sorts will be tender in zone7/8, which is what I would call myself. Glen