I noticed these small blobs, maximum 0.5 mm size, growing in my house on the wood surfaces, plastics, books and even over one of my t-shirts as you can see in the pictures. Their color is light yellow, they are very dry and stick to the surface they grow. Any ideas what are these ?
yes, they surely do seem something more related to dust than fungi. Also "dry" is a word that has commonly nothing else to do with fungi and slime molds...they need water to grow! Regards
Well, they appear out of nothing in closed places, sure it's not pollen. Eg. I leave a book in locker closed, and in two weeks they stick to it. They grow, but slowly. I don't have many insects in the house, the only ones I've seen (rarely) is the "silverfish moth", aka Lepisma Saccharina, I have doubts the blobs are their eggs ... What intrigues me is that they appear on plastics, I have seen them on my speakers or on my CDs, and they stick, I have to use my nails to remove them. Maybe dry was not a good word to describe, "hard" is a better description. I'm sorry the quality of the pictures is not so good, but they are so small, and I used one reversed lens in front of the other to obtain a cheap macro lens, and it's very hard to focus at this magnification, with one hand used to keep the lens together. If you look carefully, you can see a few blobs sticked together, also how they grew around the threads of the t-shirt.