Can anyone help me identify this apple (see photo below)? I bought the tree at a local Vancouver nursery, it was the previous year's stock, and looked very healthy, but had lost its tag. This is the first year it bore a fruit. The taste is a bit tart, like a Macintosh or Spartan (I always get these ones confused), but is a bit more crisp (possibly since it is fresh from the garden, not stored overwinter!!). There is some spotting/striping pattern under the skin, not just uniformly red. It's pretty likely one of these 2, isn't it? I had hoped for a Gala, but know for sure this isn't. :-)
Oh, I just figured out how to attach the image, don't need to link to it anymore. Thanks for letting me know!
Given your location, and the time of year, a good guess would be Akane. Usually ripe locally around September 1, hangs well on the tree but doesn't store very well. If it is Akane, in the future you will need to thin the fruit to get good size and quality.
I second the nomination. One of my favorites, recommended for this area and likely to be encountered here. A nice late summer treat.