I need two! This first one is like a philodendron mixed with a peace lily. It has anthurium flowers just like the peace lily's but it is green. I know some peace lilies are too. Please let me know if you guys know what they are exactly. And the second looks a lot like a cut leaf philodendron. I just am not sure.
Anyone have any thoughts on propagating the Tree Philodendron. It's a giant and my Mother-in-law just kinda is tired of it and is wanting to throw it away, and I said I would try to propagate it and that way I could keep the mother plant and she could have the smaller version and that would make it easier for a few more years. What do you guys think?
No such thing as a "small" version of P. bipinnatifidum. It will always end up being the monster that ate the living room/dining room/garden. If you want to give your MIL something aroidy that won't take over her house, I'd suggest something like Alocasia 'Amazonica' or similar. Those stay a more manageable size and don't creep the same way as most Philodendrons.
Well, I meant just it would be small for a bit and she could have it smallish for a while, then I suppose I will repeat the process............