Saw this on various trees in Pinar del Rey, an area of woodland in Southern Spain. What is it? Image attached to this post, or view it in various resolutions (click "ALL SIZES" button) at If and when it's identified I'll add the information to the photo's caption - so people searching the web can find it. If you're already familiar with how to use the Flickr website, please feel free to add comments and tags to the image there. Thanks -A/
Now that's fast service! I've updated the tags and description of my photo on flickr, with an acknowledgement to you, tipularia, for making the ID. Thanks for the google imaegs of similar lichen. If you'd like to see more there seem to be plenty of others on flickr too (now that I know what I'm looking for). Thanks -A/
Foliose lichen is just a general category of lichens. It doesn't narrow it down very much. Just tells its growth pattern. You probably need to see the fruiting body to identify it. This explains the different types.
Thanks for the follow-up. Again, have updated the caption on flickr, and now I have "foliose" as a lead I'll check through flickr and google's archives to se if I can find a more specific ID. Thanks again -A/
What you have appears not only a foliose lichen but a community of lichens, both foliose (leaf-like) and fruticose (shrubby) lichens. I wouldn't be surprised if you have some crustose (crust-like) lichens on there too. How many species and what kind is hard to tell from your picture; many lichens require examination under a handlens or microscope and even some need chemical testing.