ID on a Palm/ Dieing?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by Santander, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. Santander

    Santander Member

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    Asbury park, NJ, USA
    I have some pictures of this palm tree I just brought in from the cold a few weeks ago. I do not know what it is? When I removed it from the planter outside I noticed that it was real wet around the bulb and it hadn't rained for some time. I put it into a flower pot and brought it inside to a warm 85 degrees F. It is dry but I put a humidifier next to it in front of a window that faces the south but gets alot of light. I also bought a flourecent bulb that I put on over the top of it during the day. Fed it with a 10 10 10 plant food, water once a week, and spray leaves and soil everyday. The leaves still browning. Is it Dieing and can I do anything to save it? Thanks for the look

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  2. LPN

    LPN Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Courtenay, Vancouver Island
    What you have is known botanically as Trachycarpus fortunei or by it's common name, Windmill palm. I've noticed that folks out east, sometimes refer to it as Chinese palm or Chinese windmill palm, I believe.
    What this palm needs isn't 85 degree temps or fertilizer. A cool 45 - 60 degree environment is fine during winter. I doesn't look to be in too bad of shape overall, but only the first pic in your series was in focus. If you Google search this palm, you'll find plenty of info and many people growing these in some fairly cold regions. There's plenty of message boards and several I believe listed in the opening sticky thread of this topic. >>>

    Cheers, LPN.

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