Hi! This is my first post here. :-) Can you help me identify this species? Found in humid forest in New Caledonia. Thank you
Welcome to the forums Ben :-) For starters, you have a lovely polypore there, a group of fungi which have a porous surface on the underside of the cap (or when no cap, generally on the downward facing side). I'll take a look at my South Pacific / Australia resources, as I'm mainly a PNW of NA fungi person, Please, if you could also add the ID of the tree, that can often be helpful. Or even general group of tree; if it is hardwood or conifer. Lastly, approximate diameter would be good.
Narrowing it down from the wide world of polypore genera: Take a look at species in your area in Fuscoporia, Cyclomyces, Phellinus, or Fulvifomes. @Ben Caledonia - Let me know if you would find a New Caledonia fungi checklist useful?
Thank a lot Frog, I will look. It was on a hardwood with a trunk about 8cm diameter, but I don't know which species. The Endemia site lists the local fungus but some are not illustrated, and sometimes some are not on the list, but it can already be a good start. You have to scroll through the menus to the left. Endemia.nc I still have 7 or 8 other unknown species, but I don't want to bore you. I could also show you other identified species, that I met the same day. :-) (sorry for my english I use Google translate)
Hey Ben, Frog and the rest of us live for your questions, and we promise to not be bored. I suggest starting a new thread for each unknown.
Hi Frog, I looked on Endemia, not obvious because few illustrations, thank you nevertheless for your help
Hi Ben - yes I think this would take searching for images of all local species in those genera, narrowing down by hardwood substrate and by appearance. My South Pacific ID resources are limited, so I can't be of more help. We have similar Phellinus-type polypores in the PNW of North America, e.g. Porodaedelea pini, but I don't think this is that one. And yes echoing Wendy's comment, please do feel welcome to start more threads for your other fungal finds!