Identification: ID for those plants pls

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Sandra75, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Anyone have ID for those 2 house plants? The second one, the leaves takes the take of a "V"Thanks :D

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  2. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    The first species is Epipremnum aureum and it is a climbing vine. Often called Pothos or Devil's Ivy, it is an aroid and is suspected of originating in the Solomon Islands north of Australia. The species is likely the most frequently grown tropical plant in the world.

    Epipremnum aureum is capable of producing very large leaves that can grow to close to 2 feet in length (.7 meters). Growing in a pot with nothing to climb it will become a trailing vine which is also common in the rain forest. It can survive in water for long periods of time but prefers to be in soil and to have something to climb.

    Light level is not terribly important but in the wild it grows up a tree as an epiphyte in order to reach brighter light. In our atrium we have leaves that are quite large up near the ceiling at a level of approximately 16 to 17 feet (almost 6 meters). The soil needs to be quite porous and not allowed to completely dry. Make the soil porous and not muddy! Make sure it has orchid potting media with charcoal and gravel added and some sort of compost that will prevent the soil from packing. Plain old potting soil is not good since it holds too much water and will cause the roots to rot. The soil should be watered often enough to keep the plant happy which is basically frequent! Remember, you are growing it in water right now! It seems a bit strange to me when people suggest someone start the plant in water but then suggest keep the soil dry. Keep it damp all the time, just not soggy.

    You can find a lot of good threads on this plant by simply looking up Pothos with the search engine at the top of the page. My photo shows near full size leaves but are mixed with a different species.

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  3. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    The second one is a plam, but it's hard to know for sure which one it is when they are small like that.
  4. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    Bluewing certainly appears to be correct on the 2nd plant. The leaves appear to not have begun to pinnate just yet. In time they will turn into the familiar palm frond but at this size determing a species is virtually impossible.
  5. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Ah great! Thanks for the info! I have the Epipremnum aureum in regular soil. :( I should problably look for some better pot and climbing thing for it. As for the 2nd plant, I guess I'll have to wait to know what it it.
  6. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    For the Epipremnum, just make sure the soil is not muddy and will drain quickly. Make sure any pot has drain holes in the bottom. If you can find a tall totem pole it will produce larger and more beautiful leaves. The palm will also do well in a fast draining soil that is kept damp but not wet.
  7. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Super info thank you!

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