Okay, this is going to be a long one.... I am working on a planting plan for a site on the water in West Vancouver. Eucalyptus would be so handsome with the grey/green exterior of the house, but I want to be realistic about the growth rate, hardiness and overall appearance of the speacies. I want to select a small to medium sized species that is hardy to Marine Dr in West Van and tidy (not something that is suceptible to alot of dieback,broken branches etc). I have been following the previous forums as well as doing my own research and I agree that the best species may be E. archeri and E. debeuzevillei. I also read in the forum that they transplant poorly and are best started young. Anyone in the ornamental garden design realm will understand my need to plant something substantial to get that 'instant' effect our clients have the luxury of expecting. Does anyone recommend any additional species that fit my requirements, and/or suggestions on sourcing and transplanting something of a larger size? Thank you in adavance to anyone who replies.
E. Parvifolia (also know as parvula), subcrenulata, pauciflora niphophila and urnigera are all nice trees, although i wouldn't say any were really clean.......i think all you can do is search around nurseries and see what you can find....for a larger growing form E. dalrympleana, I have mine planted next to a Liquidamber with Cortaderia planted in front it's a stunning combination.
I have about 40 species of Euc seeds being sent over at the momment.....which I'm going to try and propogate in late winter/spring etc.......if they all take off - which they should.....you are welcome to 1 or 50 of them..... The seeds I've ordered are all from the Victorian high country, or else from the Tasmanian or Victorian Rainforests....so they should do fine here etc.....if you can wait a few months and then plant the seedlings in early spring....I could help you no worries (especially if you have a few cans of beer in your fridge).....(remember - these beasties grow upto 12'/year). Cheers
edgeworth, Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. debeuzevillei has a slower growth habit than most and will develop a nice canopy in 6 - 8 years from a gallon sized plant. I can recommend Ray at, Tropic to Tropic http://www.tropic.ca/ He's the "go to guy" for Eucs on the BC mainland. Cheers, LPN.
For what it's worth, my favourites are: e. nicholii willow leaved available occasionally at local nurseries. e. kruseana with perpetual juvenile leaves http://trees.stanford.edu/images/EUCkr/EUCkr.html e. coccifera at UBCBG http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=1673
Here's some info on E. nicolii for local gardeners. http://www.angelfire.com/bc/eucalyptus/N.html Cheers, LPN.