I will be opening a second location for my retail bakery cafe in September. The new Uprising Breads Bakery Cafe will be located on the south side of Broadway at Balaclava. The store has big north facing windows and we have put in two skylights mid store. I decided early on that I wanted a big leafy green plant (read tree) in the middle of the indoor seating area. Naturally I want a plant (read tree) that is indoor thriving, non leaf loosing, easy to care for and will grow up not so much out. The ceiling is 12 feet high. I've taken a shine to the Corn Plant and have been told a Natal Mahogany (Schefflera) might work but I need advice and help w/ this important selection. Don McGinn Owner Uprising Breads Bakery
Those are both good choices, and another I'd recommend you consider is something like Musa 'Dwarf Cavendish' - a very attractive and low-maintenance plant that will love those conditions, and also a show-stopper that will eventually fruit for you.
I believe natal mahogany is Trichilia emetica. It may have different cultural requirements than Schefflera. Other considerations aside, I think natal mahogany is a much more aesthetically interesting tree than a corn plant.
There is a large list of plants and their cultural requirements at the end of Growing Indoor Plants with Success. There should be something that will be suitable in the store environment.
Agreed. Comes down to what Mr. McGinn likes the look of. Hey, if he is partial to the corn plant, I say go for it! Important to have the choice---one to be looked at all day long, every day, at work---be one that inspires and cheers. As in 'Whoa! Is that a great plant or what? I love it!' Best of luck to them both! I am gratified to know that, in a Vancouver bakery cafe, that some lucky plant will be getting a good home.
Thank you all for the responces to my querry about what indoor tree to put in the new bakery ...Don McGinn