I have a number of potted plants on my balcony in Los Angeles and they are under attack from what I think are tree rats, with the possible assistance of squirrels. I have just seen them scurrying across the balcony, though I have not caught any in the act. Whatever it is, it is nocturnal, because the damage comes after midnight. So far, they've killed all my begonias, which were the first thing they went after, then all but one of my snapdragons. This I could live with, but when they killed off my delphinium, that was just too much. So what are my options, lethal and non-lethal (preferring the later)? Somebody please help me here, I am turning into Bill Murray's character from Caddyshack and may soon resort to plastic explosives shaped like a bunny.
Try liquid fence. It smells horrible for the first couple hours, but it will keep squirrels away once it dries. Very good stuff, in my opinion.
Will Liquid Fence work on rats. Says nothing about them or squirrels on their site. Which version of their product were you referring to? Another question regarding rats. I've laid traps around the plants they liked (snapdragon and delphinium) and they stopped going there. Then, as an experiment, I took the traps away from the snapdragon and they came back. Can rats figure out what a rat trap is and avoid it?
I'm not sure about rats. It should work for the squirrels though. I'm using the deer and rabbit repellent. The website doesn't mention squirrels, but I'm pretty sure the bottle mentioned them. Maybe you could also try something like this
Just cam in the mail, takes a couple of weeks to get going, according to their instructions. In the meanwhile, the traps are still out. They seem to just scare away the rats.