Couldn't even find Lathyrus magellicanus on the net, Hypochoeris Looks Like a dandelion to me. : sow spring in a cold frame and only just cover the seed. When they are large enough to handle, prick the seedlings out into individual pots and plant them out in the summer. Brachyclados cespitosus:None Sry. Never was able to find info on the others
Hypochoeris incana I think you may be referring to the planting requirements would be as described by Pomme. For Brachyclados cespitosus and Ranunculus multiscapus, I would try well draining soil in a pot, and keep quite warm and moist until germination ( you should try bottom heat for consistency) As for Lathyrus magellicanus it is the same as Lathyrus nervosus, (blue flowered sweet peas) Soak seeds and sow in a cold frame in early spring. In mild areas, you can soak and sow. If your inpatient, you an sand or chip off a bit of the outer cover of the seed.
Thanks. I shall try as said. PS Hypochoeris incana is the right plant as we can see with the link given.