I need help Identifying these palms

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by Tom24, Sep 21, 2007.

  1. Tom24

    Tom24 Active Member

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    Wahpeton USA
    I would like help Identifying these palms, here are some pics of them and also heres a couple pics of my coconut palm I think it is starting to come back. The first two pics is a palm I bought a walmart and they had no clue what kind I was thinking it was a kentia palm but the leaves are different , I dont know if it is a chinese fan palm with the leaves spreading into two. the second two pics are of my coconut palm, the leaves were severaly burned but the second two leaves seem to becoming back green.
    the third pics are of a palm that the seed resembled that of a california fan palm. The palms themself have a blueish green tint to them. the fifth pic is of one I thought was a queen palm, but the leaves are to narrow. Pls help???

    Thank you for any help.


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  2. LPN

    LPN Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Courtenay, Vancouver Island
    The first one appears to be a juvenile Chrysalidocarpus lutescens. You may also have seedlings of Brahea armata or perhaps a Sabal species. My neck is getting tired from tilting my head and some pics are out of focus. haha!

    Cheers, LPN.
  3. Tom24

    Tom24 Active Member

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    Wahpeton USA
    Which pics resemble a sabel is it the blueish green ones because I have always wanted some of them? Thank you for identifying the first two.

    Thank you again,


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