Ipomea (try for the none invasive types). If he is really annoying, you might be better off buying an instant screen like a big bush.
Or putting up a brush barrier then adding a vine, I use a thing called potato vine. You can actually see it grow. SOLANUM JASMINOIDES (Potato Vine, Jasmine Nightshade) there is also one with a purple flower Picture of it halfway down the page. Its evergreen and can be clipped when it gets unruley http://users.bigpond.net.au/cgumtree/climber.html Not sure if you have this sort of fencing in US but it works well. There is also chinese stuff that is sold in garden centres aand bamboo is another form of matting available http://www.steeraust.com.au/mclure/brush.htm Liz
You can try Honeysuckle. Not only is it a very fast growing vine that gets bigger every year, it's flowers have a wonderful fragrance. Barb S
Humulus lupulus aka Hops. Established plants grow 15 cm a day. Lovely leaves. Pest and deer resistant too. Just needs deep soil. You will never see your neighbour all summer. Female plants provide wonderful cones very useful too...from beer to dried flower arrangements.