A friend of mine called and asked if I would take his jade which was not taking very good care of. I took it so It wouldn't be left to die. Some of the leaves have deep brown spots on them and I've looked into websites trying to find out what they are and what to do about them. I'm at a lost. Since I've only had it about a week, I've already transplanted it into better soil and have watered it. (really needed that). The leaves are just now starting to thicken up again. I have new growth coming from the top. I think it really wants to fight it's way back.
All plants are fighters and want to live like anything else if given half the chance as long as they are not subject to "impossible" living conditions! It sounds like the jade is doing much better now with your care. Any damaged leaves/stems can be pinched off or cut back, new sections and leaves will grow.
I cut off the dead and new growth is coming in now. I was just afraid that maybe it had caught something from being left outside and not cared for for so long It really is fight to come back and looks like it going to win!!
The plant may have been sunburned. It'll be fine. I have a jade plant that's gotten huge. We move it to an unheated greenhouse over winter where it "self amputates" if parts near the glass get too cold. Chunks just fall off, but new leaves emerge from those places. As Bluewing said, all plants want to survive; yours will thrive.
Thanx to both of you for the info. I was told by the first owner it might have been from the sun,but I needed to make sure as I have many other plants in the house including 2 beautiful orchids. My prize is the Fairy Montclair