Identification: I have been told many things, nothing of them are true about my plant. Help?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by popsicle, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. popsicle

    popsicle Member

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    New York, U.S.
    This is a plant that I acquired because someone else was not taking care of it. It looked very sparse then, but still has the same look, I am not sure if it is unhealthy or it is just the nature of the plant to be leafless until the end of the stem. I also have leaves turning light pink or yellow and falling off all the time. There are new growths, but I am not sure if it is living sustainedly or happily. I have searched and searched all over to identify it's leaf structure or anything else about it and have gotten almost nowhere. Just to know the family of this plant would help me greatly. Anyone with any ideas are welcome and encouraged to share. Thank you!

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Begonias of this type are often called angelwing begonias. Bare sections of stem are not unusual with these.
  3. popsicle

    popsicle Member

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    New York, U.S.
    Thank you. I thought that's what it might be. Now I can take proper care of it and hope that its blooms become more spectacular.

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