I have a maple noid...

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Pieter, May 17, 2024.

  1. Pieter

    Pieter Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Richmond, BC
    ..and I'm hoping someone on this forum can help me nail down the ID of this tree, which I've had for probably 4o+ years. Years ago the tree got relegated to a spot where it was supposed to be only temporarily but it just wasn't dealt with over the years. So, February '23 we removed a Western Red Cedar that was starting to fail and after grinding the stump the maple got moved from its 'temporary' location to where the cedar was. With an awful lot of grunting and groaning I managed to dig the tree free from its location and with the help of a tow truck got it lifted and re-positioned to its new home. I filled a water bag around the trunk every 3 days to make sure there was adequate moisture for root regrowth and I'm thrilled to day that seems have done the job. It's back much denser than I've seen it and there's ample new growth. I'm still keeping up the water bag but only once every 4-5 days. I have no doubt it was a named variety when I purchased it but back than I didn't really care about 'silly' things like proper id's for plants. It was a Japanese Lace Maple and that was good enough for me. Time and things have changed and I'd really like to be able to proper refer to the name of the tree.
    So, having said all that, here are some pictures that will hopefully help the cognoscenti in id'ing the variety.
    P9810049-acer-palmatum.JPG P9810048-acer-palmatum.JPG P9810051-acer-palmatum.JPG
    It sets seed and I've noticed a couple of seedlings in the area where I moved it from last year. Maybe someone would be so kind as to guide me in how to deal with those with an eye towards growing those on. On is in the ground, the other in a pot with a large hosta.
    Thanks for all your help!
    Otto Bjornson and AlainK like this.
  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Good morning @Pieter ID of maples is often very difficult as there are thousands of cultivars out there. But IMO it looks like Acer palmatum 'Garnet '.
    Re the seedlings, leave them where they are until you see two pairs of leaves and then lift and pot up. Place the pot in a shaded area and don't over water.
    Pieter, Otto Bjornson and AlainK like this.
  3. Otto Bjornson

    Otto Bjornson Contributor

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    chilliwack BC, Canada (8b)
    Going back 40 years, the most common cultivators ( weeping varieties) in the lower mainland ( Chilliwack to Vancouver) seemed to be "Garnet" and "red dragon".
    As @Acerholic mentioned, could very well be the Garnet with those lighter red tones, good eye!
    Pieter and Acerholic like this.
  4. Pieter

    Pieter Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Richmond, BC
    Gentlemen, thank you for your input, 'Garnet' it is! Many thanks!
    Otto Bjornson and Acerholic like this.

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