Identification: I Don't know wha these are called Please help!

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by uunderwoodml, May 27, 2013.

  1. uunderwoodml

    uunderwoodml New Member

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    Portland, OR, US
    I have these two plants that I just bought the other day and when I bought them they didn't have any information on what they were or anything and I am new to having house plants and I dont want to kill them I just want to be able to research them to see what they need to get the best care. Please help me

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  2. mrsubjunctive

    mrsubjunctive Active Member

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    Iowa, United States
    They're both Kalanchoes, I think. I would guess K. eriophylla for the second one, though I don't have a lot of confidence in the guess. I feel like I ought to know the first, but can't place it at the moment.

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