Hi there, I accidentally took the top off my Chinese Pistachio tree, it is only young, just under six feet tall (after taking the top off). Will the trunk regrow, or is there a way to encourage the trunk to continue growing as the leader? I'd like it to grow a little taller before spreading. I hope I haven't ruined the tree. Thanks for any help. Paul
From my experience once the trunks have been topped they will not re-grow again from the trunk per say. Side shoots below the cut should emerge and these side branches will grow out laterally at first and then grow upright. Sometimes with these trees we can make a nice bowl shaped tree if we do cut the leader when the tree is about 6-8' tall. We had one of ours decapitated by a car that found our wooden fence inviting to crash through one very early morning a few years ago. The tree came back and is now a bowl shaped tree as opposed to a being a normal round headed one. We got a lot more new growth from the tree because of the top being knocked off. As long as you have growth or side branching now under where the cut was made you should be okay. Jim
What about grafting a scion from one of the side shoots onto the amputated leader? Could it be tricked into thinking it was now the leader? Ralph
I've seen a selected male form that was grafted and budded almost year round on standards from 1 foot up to 4-5 feet tall. If so desired then yes, this tree can be started anew from scratch and can yield a new leader all over again from what is left of the trunk. Jim