I can't keep Yuccas alive

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by klic, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. klic

    klic Member

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    woodstock, canada
    I buy and buy the same sort of yucca every year or so becuase I can't keep them alive.I have read everything there is to know - I think. I sprtitz them, I don't over/ underwater them. I have them in good sized pots. I have them in indirect sunlight and they all die. The leaves just look like there droopy and I end up tearing them off or cutting them.Or they get yellow-brownish spots on the foliage. Do I give them food? I have just started. Is there a secret to keeping these plants alive?
  2. K Baron

    K Baron Well-Known Member

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    North Vancouver, B.C., Canada
    Yes, never mist them for one, let the potting medium dry between watering, bright light, repot only when root bound, keep them in a small pot as long as possible before increasing pot size... I've never fertilized mine... never fertilize in the winter, if you do... good luck.

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