Re: need help with my hoya plant My question to you is: I snipped off a part of the stem from my hoya and now it seems that it has stopped growing. It's not producing anymore growth. What should I do? I also have another one in the same pot and it is producing new growth. I've had both plants now for about 4-5 years. Neither have really grown very high. They sit in an easterly window. Do you have any suggestions?
A LOT more sun all day for starters, and gritty fast draining soil rather than e.g. peat. But what do you mean you cut off a 'piece of stem' - do you mean from the point furthest from the pot, the one growing longer and longer? Or what?
Also, what species of hoyas do you have in the same pot?......sometimes, certain species are slower growing than others....
you may have just stunted it for now . i wouldnt worry about it to much it will start to grow again .. also try putting it in a window with some more sun .. they love good light ..just not direct sunlight .. i have one that gets first thing morning sun and it loves it .. Marn