I have what I think is a hoya krimson queen. It's about 3-4 years old. I water it about every other week. About a year ago, it started getting a long arm growing off the end of it, however it didn't produce any leaves. I cut it, and replanted it thinking it would grow another plant, it just died. A few months later it started again, and this time I cut it with a couple of leaves on it and replanted it, once again it died. When it was cut, it's no longer growing. Now where the new leaves are growing, it's growing another extremely long arm (about 12"). What do I do? It's not making any new leaves, but every day it seems that it gets longer. Thanks for any help.
my krimson queen is doing the same thing. i don't know why...i'd just leave it be. that could be where the penducles will form (mine doesn't have any at all). so, let it grow and see what happens...
If you want flowers, you don't want cut any of those long stems off. The buds look like a bunch of little microphones, lol. With the carnosa hoyas like what you have, I found that if you give them some sun during the day, they are more apt to flower than without as well as keeping the colors of the leaves bright.
ahh, so i am right! wasn't quite sure if they were stems specifically for the penducles to form on...the matilda and lacunosa don't throw out anything special, the penducles just form alongside the leaves. well, finally some flowers for this one!! i have mine in a spot where it gets bright indirect light...southern to western...should i move it to more direct light? would that spur the growth of the penducles?
OK, so I leave the long stem, and move it to a brighter window. Do you know how to make it fuller? Right now, it's just one single plant, I'd like it to be bushier, any suggestions? Thanks already for all the help, it's much appreciated.
Joclyn, More light for carnosa's seem to be better. I have a couple carnosa's in a south window, a hindu rope (hoya compacta) and I'm not sure what the other is but it;s a carnosa and both just finished flowering. The hindu puts out flowers between the leaves though. Hailey, Let the plant grow enough so you can cut at least 7" of stem, take off a couple bottom leaves and you can plant it back into the same pot. Just don't keep the soil moist. I would water once and let it dry like normal and ck after 6 days to a week for moisture, at least that's what I do. Many hoyas will not branch, even with tip pruning.
The long leafless shoots will eventually form leaves on them. Just leave them alone, and they will also eventually form flowers. If you cut them off chances of getting flowers any time soon are very slim. Carnosas will also form flower peduncles on old growth but not until they are fairly established. new fresh growth is also pretty hard to root, better to leave them on the plant until they are a little older then cut them if you still want to.
Thanks newbie. I moved it to a sunnier window and leaves are starting to form on the long stem. Right now it's just one vine, is there any way I can get to be fuller?