hi there I have a problem with my hoya plants, buds form and then drop off before opening into flowers. this has only happened this year to 2 plants, one plant has flowered and flowered again with no problem. look forward to reply
Hoya's do not like to be disturbed when in bud. This includes not moving the plant. If you haven't, another possibility is that the humidity is too low. Sound possible?
thanks but havent moved plant, did turn one around to see flower but not the other plant that also droped buds. im not watering one with buds on now and it seems ok so far. it is going a little cold here in the uk.
Flower buds drop if they don't have enough sunlight, and it should certainly be outside now til the fall.
thanks to everyone for comments. im trying different methods with each plant. will keep you informed. love the photo of the day. with any look i will post photoes of my flowers.
http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?p=166616#post166616[/URL] how are you doing with your hoya flowers I don't mean to blow my horn but I sent these photos in this summer a broken branch rooted in a bud vase and then proceeded to flower, I must say it did have LOTS of light and possible good humidity and probably didn't get moved much I was totally shocked when the buds 'suddenly' appeared hope to hear from you
Hi My flowers fall off before they open, one flowered this year attached photo. the one with white flowers is now in bud fingers crossed that they stay on to open
Make sure it's not severely root-bound (can cause bud blast) causing roots to become too dry. It may just need a little more water when in bud.