Three years ago I moved my Hoya from a very dark area where it had survived many years with very lush green leaves.I brought it out into sunlight and wow! flowers by the dozen for three years. Alas this year the flowers have all formed and within two days have all deid and fallen off. To add to that many of the new leaves are going light brown in th centres and dying off. Any suggestions please, I love this plant!
it may need repotting - leaves browning up usually means not getting enough water and if the roots are too bound (they do like to be a *bit* bound though) then, whatever amount of water you are giving has become not enough to saturate everything. it could be that the soil has gone bust (which happens after a few years even if you fertilize) and that's all that needs to be replaced. i'd unpot it and take a look at the roots - remove any that are mushy and/or brown/black/dead and then repot (either in same container if larger isn't needed or larger if it is) with fresh soil.
Many thanks for your help. I have been very brave and removed it from it's pot of many years. It was so wet and soggy at the bottom and very root bound. I have removed some of the excess distal roots and loosened up the rest. I understand that Hoya's like sandy based soil so I have made my own up using three parts potting compost to one part sand with fine gravel in the base of it's new larger pot.I think it said thank you but we'll see how greatfull it is in the next week or so!I have also taken some cutting which I have put into water to see if they will root, so perhaps all is not lost.
Yes, I have recently rooted H. carnosa cuttings in water. I potted them up the split second the first roots began to emerge in case they suddenly rotted though! Mine are in John Innes compost and are doing very well now with new extension growth just starting too.
Hi Steve H, Yes I have been succesful to doing exactly the same as you and have three very healthy plants growing.