I am wondeing how i should water this plant from the bottom or on the surface it's in a west window so it gets about 3 hours to 4 hours of sun a day at this time of the year i know they do not need alot of water i checked in google but there are so many different opinions i'm not to sure what to do Anyone????????
You can water either way I suppose, although I water my H. compacta from the top (when the soil is completely dry) and let it drain out, usually every other week in the winter months. once a week watering in summer, that is, if the soil is dry. Plus. it takes less time I think then to wait for the soil to moisten at the top level when bottom watering.
thanks for the response i am also wondering ? i have it in one of those hanging planters self watering type if i water from the top the water that drains is not any where near the soil can i leave it there or should i remove it? it's difficult to remove the hole is so small?
Scotty, By the way, your plant looks really nice and healthy! I never used that kind of pot, but I have heard they can keep the soil wet and cause rot because of the wet humidity rising up, so, if you think the soil is drying ok after like a week or so, then it might be ok where it is, but, if you think it's staying too wet for too long, I might find a way to dump it. Either removing the very bottom all together (if you can) and letting it drain in the sink after watering, or, making a few small holes nearer to the top section of the bottom "saucer" so that after it drains down, you can tip the bottom up to pour out the excess water.
Thanks very much for your input i think i wll stay on the safe side take it down water it in the sink, that way i can drain it right away i do not think i will have to water more then once every 10 days or so i understand they like to be on the dry side am i right in that assumption?