How to Vote

Discussion in 'Maple Society 2004 Photo Contest' started by Daniel Mosquin, Jun 10, 2004.

  1. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Voting is restricted to registered members of the UBC Botanical Garden forums (register for the forums).

    How to Vote

    Each photo submission is placed in a new thread. Votes will be tallied by using the bulletin board's "thread rating" system.

    When viewing a thread, you can rate it from 1 to 5 stars by selecting a rating in the far right of the second top green bar (beside Thread Tools and Search Thread).

    Click on "Rating", select the vote you feel that the submission deserves and click on "Vote Now". The page view will be updated with your vote.

    You can change your vote (perhaps you've given a photo five stars and then see a better submission and want to change your vote to four stars) by viewing the thread again and clicking on the rating button and switching your vote.

    Current votes are tabulated on the main forums page with an average of all votes given (somewhere between one and five votes). To list submissions from highest-rated to lowest-rated (or vice versa), click on the word "Rating" (it will first order it from highest to lowest, then lowest to highest on the next click and alternate thereafter).

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