hello.......in n.j. it's nov. 4th, 2007.......the pot that houses my xmas cactus has outgrown itself.........i'd like to transplant it into a larger planter, which i already have.......can someone tell me how this is done........of course, it's close to bloom time.......using the above date, when is the best time to transplant.......thanks, so much, for any info and help..........dg
Disturbing it right before flowering might result in some bud loss (if it is currently in bud) but if you are careful it may not react much. Knock out of pot and put in bigger pot, with fresh potting medium around it. If stuck to walls of pot (perhaps not likely with these*), maybe cut or break pot so as not to tear roots. *Some of mine have been in the same pots for decades, have no recent experience with bumping them up
hello, ron, and thanks, so much for the quick ans.......mine, also, has been in the same pot for about 12 or more years, but it's overflowing the pot.......i know very little about plants, but i just love having all mine around.......i take care of them by the seat of my pants and they don't seem to mind........they go outside very early in the spring and this year i just took them in yesterday, nov 3rd........we've had temperatures in the 40s.. i would like to believe you're right with the transplanting.........think what i'll do, tho, is wait till just after they bloom, about a week or so later........if you think it might not harm them too much, i do it tomorrow.........what do you think? incidentally, i live in north new jersey.........thanks, so much, again........david getlin
you're right............when i take them outside in the spring, i'll re-pot the xmas plant.....do you know if a hot chili plant is a perennial for an annual...........i bought a couple this year and got lots of peppers from each........if i bring them into a warm and sunny spot, will they continue to produce.... thanks for all you help and advice...........dg