Hi some questions when is the best period, start spring? how long remain the seeds in water before sow? the best mix soil is? you use peat disc for born pot? use one liquid fertilize? use copper spray on seed? use copper on young plant? i'm not very expert of sow ,please write your method.. alex
I don't know if they have this book in Italy or not, but "Plant Propagation" by Michael Toogood will tell you how to start your maple seeds. Hope you can find it. :)
Alex, my method: 1.) Pick samaras in fall. The wings should be brown, but the seed casing green or red. I do not remove the wings. 2.) Soak in water for 24 hours. Start with hot water out of the tap, and let it cool down as the seeds soak. 3.) Put seeds in a plastic bag in the fridge for 120 days. I moisten some of my organic potting soil with mychorrizal fungi, and put it in the bag with the seed. Make sure it is moist, but not wet. No copper. 4.) Check bags each month. Look for signs of fungal problems. If found, change soil and add copper this time (I did not have to use copper at all). 5.) After 120 days, start checking bags in fridge every week. Seeds should start to sprout. When you see the white root tips pushing out of the seed, pick up the seed by the wing and plant it. Do not touch root. 6.) I put my seeds up in 4" pots using the same organic potting soil. I put a thin layer of sand on top, as this is supposed to keep the seedling cleaner and help cut down on fungal disease. 7.) I do not fertilize the seed at first, as the soil I use has a nice balance pf nutrients. Give small dose of fertilizer after the true leaves (second set) have appeared (I use a product called "Hollytone" organic). Use 1/2 strength. 8.) Give seedlings good light, keep reasonably moist, and protect from drying winds and strong afternoon sun. Good luck!
Johan, You should be able to use any clean material that will hold moisture and not go sour. Alex, No problema, amico! Ciao!!
what about stratify seeds?every maple species want stratify seeds in freezer before sow?i know that only for some species like Griseum is better stratify..
For all Japanese Maples, I'm pretty sure they require stratification. Other species may vary. For example, Acer rubrum needs to be planted as soon as samaras are ripe in early June. They sprout immediately, and quickly form a small tree that can successfully last through the winter. Acer saccharum, on the other hand, which shares much of its range with Acer rubrum, needs its seeds planted as soon as they ripen in the summer. But it can take up to 2 years for them to sprout. They require a long stratification period. So there is great variability in the stratification needs of each species.
Kaitan4: Thanks, thats what I thought. I have heard that sphagnum moss might have "anti-fungal" properties, so in theory it might be good medium to use to avoid fungus during stratification. Does anyone have experience or thoughts about that?
Alex, The seeds need to be stratified at somewhere between 1 and 4 degrees Celcius (33 - 40 degrees fahrenheiht) You definitely do not want them frozen, but you also want them to be quite chilled. Johan, Interesting idea about the moss. That's precisely why I stratify mine in mychorrizae-activated potting medium. The theory is that the "good" fungus/bacteria discourages the "bad". I also plant moss in all my JM pots. I like the look, and I think it helps keep the natural balance of soil microbes. I don't discourage ferns either. :-)
Kaitain4: Thanks =). I am trying to start seeds for the first time this year, and have some 300 seeds in sphagnum in the fridge at the moment. The worst part is restraining myself to check them only once a week or so.
Alex, There is a good discussion in the note "Maple seeds wont sprout" at the top of the acer page. Elmore describes his technique and posters ask good questions. Also wondered if you're coming over with the Italian gardeners?
bellissimo event in Philadelphia!!!i post this link in italian forum! where is th article of Elmore?i not find.. clik on? Grazieeeee!!! ciao
if i want sow seeds in controlled ambient ,is a good idea use artificial light?if yes Thungsteno ligth,uva,or neon ?
Alex, Here's the info from Elmore. Re: The Flower show.....Amid the recreated vistas and lush gardens of northern and central Italy, a replicated piazza will be stocked with Italian products from vino to Vespas and suits to Murano glass , a separate area from the yearly retailers of flowers, plants and floral-themed decor.
Many thanks Gil! grazie ! ciao you go to flower show?if yes ,if possible send me pics of Italian stand ,or post here..