I ordered a plant from a private seller, and in addition to the one I ordered, the seller was so kind of throw in some extra goodies. One of them in this pretty little succulent. I'm not sure what it is (I have the feeling it's not a hard ID though), but my main concern is that I don't know how to pot/root it. Can I just stick it in a pot of cactus soil, water it, and wait for it to root? Or do I root it in water? I'd just ask the seller (and probably still will), but I'm sure I'll get a reply from you guys first! And I don't want the poor little plant to lie around soil-less for much longer!
Once the cut is dry, plant into medium moist soil.... and let the soil dry out before rewatering... and of course keep it in bright light too!
virtually all succulents do best when rooted in soil. rooting in water is more likely to cause rot rather than root. what you have could be an echeveria or a graptopetalum or a cross. or i could be completely wrong and it's something else entirely! (which is what happened the last time i called something an echeveria! )
Thanks, guys! Joclyn, I tried looking at common succulents, and I think it might indeed be a graptopetalum... but I'm never sure with these things. =)
Graptopetalum is most likely & it is probably G. paraguayense. Good for you, Joclyn! :D You could just lay the cutting on top of soil & wait for roots to show. Alternately, you set it in any empty can that would hold the rosette (with the stem hanging) & wait for root to appear. This is one of those plant you should be able to stick it in soil, pat it down & walk away. Check back in a few weeks. Well, maybe I should check to see where you live first. Oh-WV-maybe my walk-away deal won't work for you. :P What K Baron suggested would work, as would what Joclyn said. This one grows really well for me...like a weed! You can see mine here: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/RosemarieRo/Grapto/0301040073Graptopetalumparaguayenseflwrg.jpg