I have a Citrus Meyer (from Oscar Tintori) and some of the branches are fading away.. that no problem cause lots of new ones are coming .. but it is the pruning that I'm careful about.. I know how to prune roses and such things .. but I really don't how to do it on a Lemon tree.. http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/2195/imagesizewu5.jpg on this picture you see the two, I want to cut off... and here is where i want to cut... but... is this completely right? http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/8821/p5301221ac7.jpg Uh yea.-- the fullsize of my tree =P
Pruning citrus is generally not recommended and it can cause the tree to revert to a juvenile state where it will not flower until it has regrown sufficiently. It is not a problem to remove dead or dying limbs to just above the point where it is still live. Sometimes it is necessary to maintain a certain size to fit within an indoor area, but otherwise I would just let it grow to it's natural shape. Skeet