hello, I have some Chrysanthemum small plants... and I am asking how may I propagate them? can I by stem-cuttings? and should I use a rooting hormone? and when is the right time to do this? May I do this now? thanks in advance
Hi Ethylene, There are many types of chrysanthemums but you can do stem cuttings. The second site tells how to use rooting hormones. http://www.myhouseplants.com/flowerdb/chrysanthemum.html http://www.rooting-hormones.com/plntlist.htm Another way to get more chrysanthemums (mums) is to harvest the seeds and sow them. Take a look at these sites. http://theseedsite.co.uk/ http://www.chestnut-sw.com/seedhp.htm http://www.muextension.missouri.edu/explore/agguides/hort/g06570.htm Newt
You will need to snip off the flowers. The flowers of a plant are their way of reproducing through seeds that will eventually form. The plant will use it's energy to produce those seeds. You will want the plant to use it's energy to make roots. Another reason not to transplant when a plant is in bloom. Newt