I have been growing hoyas for more than a year. They grow fast in this climate in Malaysia (tropical and high humidity). There are plenty of new leaves and new branches but how do I get the plant to produce more new spurs. I have not repotted the plant.
Some hoyas, such as the common carnosas and pubicalyx, take a long time to bloom- high light, being a mature plant, slightly potbound, and having vines as long as possible are some of the things that encorage blooming. I had some of these common hoyas for almost 10 years before I saw a flower! They also like being outdoors - no full sun, they burn- put them in a shady spot that is bright and open to the sky. Morning or late afternoon sun is ok. Some people say Hoyas in heated and/or airconditioned homes never bloom. Be patient, the flowers are worth the wait! Also, there are some 200 types of hoyas, and some bloom very quickly, you may want to look into getting some - but I warn you, they are addictive. Some of the quick bloomers are Hoya fungii, Hoya lacunosa, and Hoya DS-70 (sometimes sold under the name Bilobata in the US) A bloom encouraging fertilizer helps too... Ines