How to Grow an Austrailian Tree Fern in a Greenhouse

Discussion in 'Annuals, Biennials, Perennials, Ferns and Bulbs' started by IslandMan007, Nov 13, 2006.

  1. IslandMan007

    IslandMan007 Member

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    Germantown, Maryland, USA

    I have a 7 month old Austrailian Tree Fern which has been growing very well in a wooded area in my yard all spring and summer. Now that winter is here (I am in Zone 7a in the US state of Maryland), I dug it up, put it in a pot and put the tree fern in my greenhouse. The tree fern has been in my greenhouse for about 2 weeks and I noticed that some of the leaves are shriveling up and turning brown. This is the first time I have ever seen the tree fern do this. I know the tree fern likes more shady and cooler locations so my greenhouse may be too warm for it. My greenhouse can get up to 85F on a very sunny winter day. What can I do to help my Austrailian Tree Fern survive in my greenhouse? My other tropicals (e.g. banana, hibiscus, orange, etc) love the heat but not this tree fern. I have heard that it needs to be watered down the middle of the trunk and misting helps. I need someone with experience with growing these Austrailian tree ferns in a greenhouse to help me with growing tips before I end up losing my tree fern. I could always bring it in the house but my house is very dry in the winter. Thanks for any help anybody can provide.

  2. oscar

    oscar Active Member

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    Surrey, England
    I wouldn't put it in your it a Dicksonia antarctica?

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