How to care for palms

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by palm jungle, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. palm jungle

    palm jungle Member

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    San Diego
    I'm soon to own this palm jungle in San Diego, California. Are these Mexican fan palms? Any advice of how to best take care of them? If I have to relocate them, what's the best approach? Thanks.

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  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Hey Palm Jungle,

    I am not too familiar with palms, but they do look like Mexican fan palm, Washingtonia robusta, and that would be a likely tree in your area - they are commonly planted for their fast growth and vertical accent. Those are lovely skirts that they are wearing. They have to be trimmed off each year if you prefer the skirtless look. Many people leave them. It would be quite a job on such a large grove as the one you are purchasing.

    While palms are easier to move than many other large trees, because they have shallow fibrous roots, it would still be a major job and require heavy equipment. I would certainly recommend that you hire a professional service for that.

    Try a search for both names to get care info and to see if you can verify the ID. Good luck with the jungle.
  3. palm jungle

    palm jungle Member

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    San Diego
    Thank you for your response. I looked up Washington Robusta on the net, and some of the sites referred to Mexican Fan Palm as common name for this kind (?). The young palms sure look like Mexican fan palms, but as they grow taller their trunks get so thin that they depart from those sold at the nursery. I appreciate your research and information.
    Palm Jungle, San Diego

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