I have 2 blueberry bushes. They are two rabbit eye cultivators(brightwell and climax). The problem is the soil around here is not particularly acidic. To amend the soil I have some peat moss ,sulfur, and I bought some azalea fertilizer to feed them when they need feeding. How much peat moss and sulfur should I add to the soil around the roots? Also I chose a spot that gets good sun for them.
Amending small planting holes is not the way to go, prepare a special bed or dump more suitable soil (if available locally) on top of existing soil and plant in that. If you dig peat etc. into existing soil you will have the problem of it decomposing and disappearing in time. In one instance peat dug into a soil in Oklahoma had vanished a year later. As long as a soil is not too heavy the main need is to compensate for unsuitable pH and minerals in soil and irrigation water. Being a commercial fruiting crop if blueberries are at all feasible there Arkansas Cooperative Extension will almost certainly have cultivation information on the internet and/or at their regional offices.
I'm facing the same problem....I'm thinking of secluding the blueberries in a corner of the garden and putting a divisor into the soil deep and just make that soil acidic as possible with sulfur and peatmoss.