How does one tell the difference between the duckweeds Lemna and Spirodela? What's perplexing me at the moment is what exactly the giant duckweed I'm seeing in this photo is. Obviously, I know what the Caiman is.... Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I thought Lemna were tinnier, but that is only a guess. Trikus may know. Do you have Deni's book on Aroids, I think there is something in there, but I am at work at the moment so I can't check for you Ed
Some useful info here: In the key Lemna has one root, whereas Spirodela has several roots. Looks like you'll have to get down in with the caiman to collect some samples for microscopic examination ;-)
Yes, Michael, because crawling into a tropical swamp with a large lizard is my idea of a great day out hiking.... I'm sure I'll be able to find a population in water that's only Pirhana infested next time I'm in the Amazon.