Im a total plant newbie that has spent the last 48 hours reading about plant care. I guess where Im confused is how the experts get their Dracaena's so full. I have attached pictures of my Massangeana that has seen better days. I think I now know how to better care for this plant - better water management for sure. Is their a way that I can somehow encourage the growth of new buds on the base trunk of the plant? Its been waxed at its top ... I ask because I've thought about taking off the right arm, having in develop some roots in water for a week - and then re-pot at the base of this plant. and it would be cool if any new growth came off the trunk instead of the remaining arm. That scenario would make the plant look fuller. As well- is it best to start moving on propagation now? I've read that I should wait until spring to make major cuts. I imagine its worth mentioning that this plant is just drying out after some major overwatering. Finally- does anyone have any tips to better train the eye for a 'good looking' plant? I'm still have troubles determining what I should be shooting for when I prune/grow my plants. Thanks in advance for all your info.
Lots of food and light is how you make that plant look good. You could even get a nice smelling flower if you do it right. Let the top half of the soil dry out completely and then water thoroughly. The real trick is location, location, location. People seem to downplay this far too often. If you have a plant is a place that suits it, you won't have the pest problems, rot problems, malformation, blemishes or deaths. If you want a better looking plant, if nothing else, move it to a better location. Then you will see with your own eyes what a "good looking" plant looks like. As for propagating tropicals, doesn't really matter as long as its warm and bright where you have the cuttings.
Yes and more light for that plant. Mine are in full sub tropical sun. You may think of re potting into a bigger pot. After a while the plant will look "full", but you will have to be patient... Ed
full sun is a bit much for indoors id say, but bright light int bad for it. Make sure you arentoverwatering it, once a week seems right for me, and definelty repott it
cut top off, re-root the top in damp potting soil and re plant. the severed top of trunk should produce 3-4 new tops. replace soil with new. give more light. place outside in summer, east exposutre. feed it too.rockyplants