Hello, I know that this question was already asked, but I didn't get the answer I need. I have strawberries seed (here's the link - http://seeds.thompson-morgan.co om/uk/en/product/490/1 ). I would like to know step by step how to grow the plants (after I will germinate the seeds) in an hanging basket. I have 2 16" (41 cm) hanging baskets and would like to grow as many as I can in each. I searched in the internet, but unfortunately didn't find a full explanation for it. Thanks a lot, Ayala
See if any of these help. Plenty more under Google "strawberry growing in baskets" http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=11637 http://www.yates.com.au/GardenCalendar/April_07/aStrawberries.asp http://www.rhs.org.uk/thegarden/pubs/garden0101/jan_strawberries.asp http://www.victoriananursery.co.uk/...it_plants/strawberry_rambling_cascade_basket/ http://www.heyne.com.au/gardencentre/factsheets/factsheet.php/Strawberries.htm Liz
Thank you Liz. I have seen all those links before and still I don't know how should I plant several plants. This link http://www.victoriananursery.co.uk/s...ascade_basket/ is exactly what I want to achieve and in the end of this page you have a link to "Strawberry Yields", in which he say "If you’re using hanging baskets... A good rule of thumb is to grow one plant per 5cm (2in) pot, so a 20cm (8in) container will hold up to four plants. ..." My question is - how do I plant 8 plants (as my basket is 41 cm)? Do I fill the all basket with soil and than insert the plants?? Do I fill 5 cm soil and insert 1 plant etc..?? I really don't know this method of planting several plants in pocket... Hope I explained myself (sorry for my English..) Thanks a lot, Ayala
OK the way I would do it is put a liner in the bottom then some soil (good quality)place one plant at each point of the compass sticking out through the wires then use something like liner material or spagnum moss to cover the basket up the side over the top of the first 4 plants then fill it with some more soil and place 4 more plants in the top at the in between points of the compass. It would be easier if you could use small plants to do this so they grow into the ball. If you make sure they have good soil with some blood and bone or other manure material when planting up, then liquid type fertilizer should be all you need as the basket develops. It is a similar way to doing a strawberry pot but you need to make sure the soil is retained in the basket above the first row and I think something soft is the way to go. You may find straw works as well as long as you put it all in one direction like a cirlce and build it upon the sides. This would last for one season. Hession (burlap) would also work even flywire from a screen door but it would not look as nice. Liz
my only advice on strawberries is, don't plant them too closely as this limits their growth. Strawberries need real estate to expand into and when they are pushed for space they flower and fruit less. Also, make sure they get plenty of sun. Otherwise they will grow in pots as well as they will outside.