Hi, I'm probably asking a question that most Palm trees enthusiasts are not going to like. Don't get me wrong, I love Palms, but it's becoming a concerning issue to my front yard. I have about 7 little Sabal Palmetto Palms growing aroung the base of my oak tree. 3 of them are about 3 feet tall now. The rest I see are just the frond leaves coming out of the ground. My boyfriend and I have tried to get the bigger ones out but it seems like their roots are entangled with the Oak tree roots. We never planted them there. I was told that it might be from birds perched on the Oak tree and dropping the seeds on to the ground around the Oak tree. The Oak is next to my driveway and it will be a problem when those Palmetto Palms start to grow any bigger. Please advise on how I can get rid of them. Thanks. Edit/Delete Message
It maybe a very difficult, if not impossible undertaking trying to dig the palms out and relocate them. The easiest way would be to fire up your chain saw and buck them down to ground level. Cheers, LPN.
I'll try that. Hopefully they won't grow from the chainsawed point. I have heard that removing the heart of the palm fronds might actually kill them. I'll hate to kill them, but if that's the only option, I'll have to take it to risk complications with the Oak tree and my driveway.
Ya ... as much as I hate to cut palms, this is likely the only way without also killing your Oak. What species of Oak do you have? Cheers, LPN.
Thanks for the advises. I'll probably have to wait for the new palm trunks to grow through the ground before I can saw them down. It's a live oak, by the way. Thanks again.