Hi, I planted a seed from a pomelo that I had a while ago, and planted on around the 1st of October 2019. It took a while for it to sprout, and I didn't expect it to even start growing so it has just been in soil with no food/fertiliser. It has been fine so far but I was wondering if there is anything that I need to do to make sure it stays healthy? It has plenty of light and I try to make sure the soil is always moist.
I put together some pages on growing citrus on Vancouver Island and made them available here: Growing Citrus on Vancouver Island | Aprici ... most of the information will be applicable, but anything related to climate you will need to adjust for your climate. Do keep in mind that citrus from seed take a very long time to start bearing fruit, usually between 7 and 10 years.
Thank you, I have read your page and looked at the information. Could you recommend a specific type of food to give to the plant? I am a complete novice so I really just want to keep it alive and healthy.
Almost any decent fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, has the other important nutrients, and contains micronutrients will do. Something like the standard miracle grow soluble fertilizer works fine.
Citrus likes to be feed very regularly and - as Will said - needs a lot of nitrogen. A ratio of 5-1-3 NPK is the perfect citrus fertilizer. upd: folks recommend Dyna Gro Foliage Pro, as its NPK ratio is well suited for citrus. It is a concentrated liquid fertilizer + it can easily be found online. Most container citrus folks use it with each watering, full strength during the late spring, summer and early fall, then 1/2 strength in the winter. Foliage-Pro® 9-3-6 : Dyna-Gro