Identification: Housewarming gift with no ID... Help please?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Numaul, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. Numaul

    Numaul Member

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    Lindsay, Ontario, Canada
    Okay so upon returning to my hometown after adventuring about the Country, my mother stopped by with a plant that is alien to my knowledge. Can anyone help me ID this one? (His name is Gerald by the way)

    The first shows the overall and the second shows a downward look at the leaves.

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Fiddleleaf fig.
  3. Numaul

    Numaul Member

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    Lindsay, Ontario, Canada
    I just looked up the fiddle leaf fig and the leaves are different. Also, there's a different texture to the bark. Are there different varieties of it?
  4. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    it's a fiddle leaf fig

    leaf shapes can change over time as the plant matures.
  5. Cereusly Steve

    Cereusly Steve Active Member

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    MD, USA
    Ficus lyrata

    Its a rather touchy plant to grow. Not a very good "house plant".

    If it dies, does that mean you will need to move again?

    Anthoropomorphizing plants will only get you into trouble. You should know your plant is hermaphrophoditic. Your plant is also Geraldine. Thats only if you really give a fig.
  6. Numaul

    Numaul Member

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    Lindsay, Ontario, Canada
    Thanks everyone for the help identifying Gerald(ine).

    I will not be moving if it dies but the house might be a bit colder without the warming gift.

    It seems to be growing well (by my standards at least) with about 13" of new growth since being brought into my home five months ago (grand total of 5' 4" from the top of the soil).

    Two problems I am having with it, though, are:

    1 - the random timing of it's watering needs (sometimes goes over a week without watering, sometimes needs two waterings in one day); and

    2 - one of the trunks(?) refuses to grow 'up'. Opting instead for a 45 degree angle.

    I have been tying the two trunks(?) together in order to remedy the second problem but over the course of a few days after tying them, the same side will lean out again from where I tied it instead of right from the roots.
  7. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    if you sometimes need to water a couple days after watering, then it sounds like you're not doing a thorough enough watering.

    with plants that are in larger pots, i give some water and let it soak down for 10 minutes or so and then give some more and let it soak in. i'll give it another shot of water if i still don't see anything coming out of the bottom drain holes. once i see water there, i don't give any more and i let it sit for 15 minutes or so, then i lift up the plant and remove the water from the catcher and then let it drain off any excess water. i again remove any water that collects in the drip tray and then put things back as normal.

    with something that size, you really should only need to water it every week or so.

    can you post another pic of the trunks so we can see what you're talking about?

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