Identification: Houseplant I.D. Please

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by tjdux, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. tjdux

    tjdux New Member

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    Nebraska, USA
    I got this plant from Walmart about five years ago. It had done incredibly well most of the time. We moved to a new place and the plant got placed on a table my cats could access and ate the plant down to nearly nothing. It must not be highly poisonous as the cats never got sick. The cats are gone now but the plant isn't growing very well.

    It usually grows quite quickly. It will even regrow if a leaf is picked and then placed back into soil. I remember the tag on the plant says it prefers damp/moist soil and it seems to do well in almost any amount of sun. It has waffle texture dark green leaves and it will make very pretty pink seeds. The seeds grow in a cluster and eventually turn white before maturing.

    As you can see it was very healthy and now it looks pretty sad. Even worse, since the sad pictures were taken, my baby son knocked it down and damaged it more probably destroying most of the remaining root system and it looks like it may die any day. This has been a favorite of mine for years and I would appreciate any help. Thank you.

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  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Looks like Pilea involucrata 'Moon Valley'.
  3. tjdux

    tjdux New Member

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    Nebraska, USA
    Thank you so much. For a long time i thought it was "moon beam" until I looked that up and found flowers. Thanks again.
  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Are there holes in the bottom of that blue pot?
    Is there still anything left of the plant? If so, you could try taking the best-looking bits and planting them into a pot that has holes in the bottom. I would guess that you were too careful about keeping the soil damp. I would not water it until it looks dry and the pot feels light, then water it through (let all the water run out the bottom), then continue to only water it like that when the pot feels light, until the roots recover or it gets new roots. Once it recovers, only change to giving it more water if it doesn't seem to be doing well.

    Keep it out of direct sun until it looks like it's recovering.
  5. tjdux

    tjdux New Member

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    Nebraska, USA
    Yes there is a drainage hole at the bottom of the blue pot. It did actually die already and I had good luck clipping the plant and propagating it several times when it was healthy and gave several to other people. Sadly that was in a different city than I live now but I did find them on amazon. I live in the middle of nowhere now and none of the near by plant stores (its 2 hours to the nearest thing resembling a nursery) have even heard of Moon Valley. I did leave it too close to the window and it got too much summer sun. I will do much better next time. Thanks to all the help on this site.

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